Love Capital, Slovenian opera in three acts, reflects the pulse of the present time, in which people unfortunately find themselves more and more convinced that the only true values are money, accumulated wealth and sweetness of power. The story about a love triangle and former friends, each of whom were cruelly pushed at their end of the social ladder, takes place in the dreadful world of social stratification and collapse of moral and ethical values, in places ruled by some kind of new age capitalists, i.e. masters of accumulating wealth through manipulation, fake loans, political connections and theft.
- Music: Jani Golob
- Librettist: Vinko Möderndorfer
- Stage Director: Vinko Möderndorfer
- Set Designer: Branko Hojnik
- Costume Designer: Alan Hranitelj
- Lighting Designer: Pascal Mérat
- Choreographer: Rosana Hribar
- Dramaturge: Blaž Lukan
- SNG Opera in balet Ljubljana
Other operas by Vinko Möderndorfer: MADAME BUTTERFLY, LA BOHEME
The story revolves around a refined and rather common understanding of universal love asIN OPERA,THEATRE -
The story of the Slovenian operatic classics tells about Franjo, who returns to hisIN MUSIC,OPERA