Glasbenica, ki ne naredi zgolj koncerta, ampak spektakel. Severina je za zaključek svoje turneje The Magic Tour začarala svojo zvesto publiko decembra 2019 v ljubljanskih Stožicah. Read More
Glasbenik in komponist, balkanski šarlatan in mojster za balkan-disko šlager, kot se opisuje sam, se je decembra 2019, na željo občinstva in nepozabnega vzdušja, na božični večer oglasil v ljubljanskih Stožicah. Read More
José Carreras, Spanish operatic lyric tenor known for his rich voice and good looks. As one of the “Three Tenors” (together with the Italian singer Luciano Pavarotti and the Spanish singer Plácido Domingo), Carreras helped find a larger popular audience for opera. Read More
Plavi orkestar is a Bosnian pop/rock band from Sarajevo. The band was formed in 1983 by Saša Lošić, lead singer and songwriter of the group. The band has remained popular with seven albums and more than 1500 concerts worldwide. Read More
Parni valjak is a Croatian and former Yugoslav rock band. They were one of the top acts of the former Yugoslav rock scene, and currently one of the top rock-and-roll bands in Croatia. Read More
Bajaga i Instruktori are a Serbian and former Yugoslav rock band. Founded in Belgrade in 1984 by composer, lyricist and guitarist Momčilo Bajagić "Bajaga", the group possesses a rich discography and a plethora of hit songs that placed them at the top of the former Yugoslav rock scene, alongside other mega-selling bands such as Bijelo Dugme and Riblja Čorba. Read More
Siddharta je petčlanska slovenska rock skupina, ki je nastala leta 1995 in ima po dvajsetih letih glasbenega ustvarjanja položaj ene izmed bolj priljubljenih glasbenih skupin v Sloveniji. Poimenovala se je po znanem romanu nemškega pisatelja Hermana Hesseja z istim naslovom. Read More
Balašević started his career in the 1977 as a member of the pop rock band Žetva, before leaving to form the pop rock band Rani Mraz. After releasing two albums, Rani Mraz disbanded, and Balašević started a successful solo career, spanning up to the present. While his initial works were mostly pop rock-oriented, in his later career he often used elements of rock, chanson and folk music, while his lyrics often dealt with romantic, humorous or political and social themes. Read More